We're proud to present our new journal Utrecht Meent Het #1. This bundle of essays is published by the second research group of (Un)usual Business. By now our group, vision and reach has expanded and new, motivated participants have joined the project. This enthusiastic group of commoners will continue with the activities of (Un)usual Business, whilst at the same time trying to organize ourselves as collectively as possible. 

All articles in this edition are available on the website:

Foreword  Foreword - Utrecht Meent Het #1 Binna Choi – by Binna Choi
Utrecht meent wat? – by Ying Que
Duurzaam succes: Voedselkollektief Amersfoort – by Sara Schoch
Voedsel productie in Utrecht: Groene economie of commoning? Van consument naar commoner. – by Maartje Verhaagen
Childcare practices of radical parent activists – by Deborah Sielert
Resisting enclosure through creative commoning in Kanaleneiland: Gentrifying the commons / Commoning gentrification Resisting Enclosure through Creative Commoning in Kanaleneiland - Gentrifying the Commons // Commoning Gentrification L. Grace Weber  – by L. Grace Weber
Squatting, alternative spaces, and anti-capitalist commons: a socio-spatial response to the housing crisis in Utrecht Squatting, Alternative Spaces, and Anti-capitalist Commons - A Socio-Spatial response to the Housing Crisis in Utrecht Aisling Marks  – by Aisling Marks

The journal Utrecht Meent Het #1 is available as downloadable PDF. Get it here.
The journal is also available as printed publication. 

Utrecht Meent Het #1